I've learned a few things over the years about preparations and celebrations for Christmas. You know, what makes things go more smoothly and give you that warm fuzzy and other things that, um, don't. Hopefully you won't have to learn all of the lessons the hard way like me!
1. Although gift certificates are not the most personal gifts, they are ALWAYS the right size! I'd much rather have someone only open a piece of plastic to use on something they choose later instead of having them open a size XL shirt only to find out they're a MEDIUM on Christmas! (Sadly, a true story...)
2. Stocking stuffers can come from surprising places - WD-40 pen from Lowe's, anyone?
3. No matter how hard you work on, or how excited you are about a new dish, if you don't try it out before the "big day", the results may leave much to be desired.
4. Just because you/your hubby like said dish, not everyone will. Don't get your feelings hurt, it just means there'll be more for you to enjoy after the celebration.
5. Don't waste your energy trying to make boy gifts look perfect - THEY DON'T CARE!
6. Even if he puts blue tissue paper in a purple and silver bag, don't complain if your husband is helping you wrap gifts. He really doesn't want to be doing it anyway and negative comments do not add to his happiness with the current situation. Just be quiet and make a mental note to make sure to change it later. :)
7. Make a list with specific items, down to size and style if you expect to get what you asked for for Christmas! (Who knew Victoria's Secret made so many different styles of underwear?)
8. Make a copy of said list and distribute to several trusted friends, IN ADDITION to your sweetie.
9. Less truly is more. Don't kill yourself making 3 dishes for each gathering you're going to attend. There is always enough (or too much) food. Bringing the drinks and ice is always helpful to the host! (I just learned this one this year!)
10. Don't hurry the day(s) away! Take time to enjoy your time with family/friends and reflecting on the reason you are gathering in the first place!
Monday, December 31, 2007
10 Things I've Learned About Christmas
Posted by Leah at 10:47 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Down on the (Tree) Farm
Every year our ENTIRE family goes to a Christmas Tree Farm in search of the perfect tree for our houses. This year was no different! We had a total of three households present on this quest which consisted of seven adults (I guess Matthew counts as an adult now!), four dogs, three trees and two small boys. Spirits and energy were high as we tromped through the fields in search of our trees. This occasion took place a few weeks ago during our "heat wave" in December, so it was a bit tough to really get into the Christmasy spirit, but listening to Christmas music on the way helped! Although my parents were present, they were crafty enough to not get caught in ANY pictures... They're smarter and quicker than they look! I hope you enjoy the pictures below...
I know it's not the best picture of us, but Sam took it all by himself and it's the only one of the three of us from that day. As you can see, Michael was thrilled to be there! :)
Posted by Leah at 10:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
Good Times in Gatlinburg
Last week Michael and I returned from a long awaited trip to Gatlinburg! We left on a Saturday Morning and returned on the following Tuesday. This was our first trip with just the two of us since our honeymoon 6 1/2 years ago! We stayed in a great little condo on the TOP of the mountain that had a fantastic and awe inspiring view. We were 4 miles up, and there was only one small condo area after ours, then the road turned to gravel. On our way home Tuesday, we looked DOWN on the ski lodge where they were making snow. It was beautiful! There was so much to do, we had a pretty packed weekend, but we had a blast! We went shopping on our first day out, and did most of the Gatlinburg attractions, mainly shopping in The Village, getting to be fascinated with the taffy machine AGAIN (It's still my favorite thing there!) and the amazing view on the Sky Lift. Our favorite things were the shopping (ok, so that's mainly my favorite thing!), Fanny Farkle's arcade and the Ober dogs they serve there, the aquarium and, of course, Cade's Cove. I think that Cade's Cove topped both of our lists. The drive there was beautiful, and we listened to my new Celtic Women Christmas CD while we drove. It was almost as good as being at church! It still amazes me when I see all of the beautiful things God has made! My God is so wonderful, and is wonders truly do never cease! After the scenic drive up, we were treated to being able to see 34 deer (One 6 pt, one spike and a button buck included) and were able to get to within 50 ft. of the 6 pt. who was just laying on the ground in a field. Yes, we were crazy enough to get out of our cars and try to get a closer look! We also saw several turkeys, crows, woodpeckers (yellow bellied sap suckers) and squirrels. We really enjoyed ourselves and were able to get all of our last Christmas presents taken care of! I also picked out a lot of my Christmas there.... I'm so sad I have to wait to use my new purse and wallet!!! The aquarium was AWESOME!! The shark tunnel was amazing - we got some really close-up shots of nothing but shark teeth, which is enough to give anyone pause. Anyway, if anyone wants to go on a trip and doesn't want to go too far, Gatlinburg has my vote!
Posted by Leah at 12:39 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Christmas Questions
Ok, I know it's a little early, but I love these things! Below is a survey about Christmas. Teale and Sam, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to complete the following survey. Anyone else that's interested can answer, too! I can't wait to see your answers! Mine are posted below:
Christmas ---The holidays are near so I want to know...
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?
Hot chocolate - but I'd rather have hot tea.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
He places the gifts in specific pieces of furnature for each child, and we always knew which was ours! It was fun to keep going back - Santa was always really crafty about how he set the presents up, you always found something else you just loved when you went back to look.
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?
All white, and NO BLINKING!!!
4. Do you hang mistletoe?
I do when my honey shoots it down for me!
5. When do you put your decorations up?
The first weekend in December, usually, 'cause that's when we get our trees.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
7. Favorite holiday memory as a child:
I have lots, but my absolute favorites are all of us (Jody, Matthew and me) sleeping in the same room on Christmas Eve, and the year Matthew got "Casey Jr." and woke mom and dad up playing with it at 5:00 am!
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
Lauren Tatum told me in 4th grade. I still don't know if I've completely forgiven her yet!
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
Yes, we open our Christmas PJ's so that we'll have cute pictures in the morning.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree?
White lights, a mixture of sentimental and cutesy ornaments with large snowflakes added in to give it some unity.
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it?
I LOVE snow, any time!
12. Can you ice skate?
Well, I've been ice skating before, but I wouldn't say I'm proficient.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
My pearl earrings Michael's mom gave me the Christmas before we were married. I wore them at our wedding, and they're still one of my favorites 6 years later.
14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you?
Remembering what Christmas is all about - the birth of our Lord!! Also, spending time with my family, wrapping presents, then watching people open them.
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert?
I don't really have one. I do love my homemade cinnamon rolls that Martha taught me how to make.
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Daddy reading "Twas the Night Before Christmas" on Christmas Eve, making and decorating sugar cookies and going to get our Christmas trees as a family at the tree farm.
17. What tops your tree?
A beautiful angel in green velvet with white fur trim. She's the first Christmas decoration Michael and I bought for our own house. :)
18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving?
I love to give presents, and to see the joy on someone's face when I get it right, but I love to rip into the paper, too!
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song?
I really do love them all, but if I must choose, these are my choices:
Religous - O Holy Night
Traditional - ANYTHING Bing!
Fun - I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas - it's pretty catchy!
20. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yummy?
Love 'em. They make pretty cute ornaments, as well as being tasty!
21. What do you want for Christmas?
Rest, time with a healthy family and anything shiny or involving purses or shoes. I'd also like to take cake decorating classes... hint, hint Michael!
Posted by Leah at 11:33 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Sam the Magician!
This weekend one of the rarest and best things EVER occurred - we got an EXTRA hour of sleep! I was all bright-eyed and bushytailed on Sunday Morning (after oversleeping even with the extra hour of sleep) and rarin' to go! Since we were all feeling so wonderfully rested, my entire family decided to go to Cracker Barrel for lunch. So, Michael and I met Jody, Ryan and thier boys at Mom and Dad's and we all went to Cracker Barrel. This is where Sam discovered his "magical talents". By this, I mean that Dad tricked him into thinking that he could make the gas lamps on the table move by rotating his hand in the general direction of the lamp. Of course, Sam can't do magic - dad was moving the lamp from the base under the table, but Sam didn't know that! Folks, this was QUALITY entertainment! My personal favorite was his "behind the head" move. This is 100% up my Dad's alley. He does this kind of stuff all of the time. I remember wishing for color in "The Wizard of Oz" until I was probably 10 years old. I'm a sucker when it comes to my Daddy! So, anyway, even though it took a REALLY long time to be seated and get our food, a good time was had by all. Michael and I even got some Christmas shopping done!
Below is a picture of "Sam the Magnificent"!
Posted by Leah at 12:09 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 29, 2007
The Dance Of Joy
I was so excited to find this, I had to post it. Teale, this is for you! Do you remember doing this? What cool kids we were... :) I'm having serious trouble posting the video, so you'll just have to go here to view it. It's sooo worth it!
Posted by Leah at 6:56 PM 2 comments
Purple People?!?
For any of you who know me, you know I'm an EXTREMELY competitive person, especially when it involves creativity. This competition was right up my alley! Our school had a pumpkin decorating contest. Our class decided (by that I mean I decided) that we'd make a Purple People Eater - you know, from the song? We used two pumpkins, lavender spray paint (the quickest and easiest way to paint a pumpkin), spray glitter, dowel rods (Martha Stewart has nothin' on me!), yard sale price stickers, google eyes, buttons and string and came up with the masterpiece below! It's so exciting when the plan is executed with the results you were after in the first place! Because of our extreme craftiness, our class has won a pizza party! Yes, food and gloating rights are two extreme motivators for me! Anyway, take a look at my.. I mean OUR creation below and tell me what you think!
Posted by Leah at 4:51 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 18, 2007
My Honey!
Ok, so apparently I was "tagged" so I must complete the survey that follows. Hope you enjoy it!
1. Who is your man? Michael
2. How long have you been together? We've known each other for 8 years and been married for 6 of them.
3. How long did you date? A little over a year, if being engaged doesn't count as dating.
4. How old is your man? 28
5. Who eats more? Usually him, but I do have my moments!
6. Who said “I love you” first? Him, and TOTALLY by accident! :)
7. Who is taller? He is. Who's not taller than me?
8. Who sings better? I think we're both equally gifted, but I do wish he'd use his gift more than he does!
9. Who is smarter? I think it depends on the subject. Vocabulary/English stuff is my domain and math is CERTAINLY his! Everything else we're probably equal.
10. Whose temper is worse? Mine.
11. Who does the laundry? We both do, but I will admit that he does it more often. Man, did I luck up or what?
12. Who takes out the garbage? It's all him, but I do replace the garbage bags.
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Looking at the foot of the bed- I do. We sleep that way b/c a streetlight was right outside of the window in our first apartment and he couldn't handle it!
14. Who pays the bills? He pays them all. He is really more of a planner and saves for different things. Me, I'm happy to have the money for what I want right then. God definitely knew what He was doing when he sent Michael to me! :)
15. Who is better with the computer? I think we both are equal.
16. Who mows the lawn? He does. So far, all I've had to do is pick up golf balls.
17. Who cooks dinner? Almost always me, unless it's something grilled. It's ok, I get to try new recipes and then tell him not to complain if he doesn't like it, 'cause he didn't have anything to do with it!
18. Who drives when you are together? We share that job. Usually, if he drives there, I'll drive back, or vice versa.
19. Who pays when you go out? He does.
20. Who is most stubborn? Me.
21. Who is the 1st to admit when they are wrong? Usually him.
22. Whose parents do you see the most? Mine, since we live closer to them and go to church with them. We do make it a point to visit his family every Sunday, though.
23. Who kissed who first? He kissed me after he asked me if he could! :) How sweet!!
24. Who asked who out? He asked me.
25. Who proposed? He did of course!
26. Who is more sensitive? Definitely me!
27. Who has more friends? Me. I'm just a lot more social than he is.
28. Who has more siblings? We're tied, exactly. We both have a brother and a sister.
29. Who wears the pants in the family? I believe we both have a leg in the pants! We truly do discuss decisions before making them and work together on everything.
Posted by Leah at 5:44 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 15, 2007
Monday Morning Surprise
Let me start out by saying that this is not my normal schedule, so things were already off from the start. Today is Monday, that day that everyone dreads because it means the end of the weekend and to make it worse for me, I have to get to school WAY early (6:30 am) to keep the children who come to school early. So, I get up WAY early (people, my philosophy is that if the sun isn't up, I shouldn't be, either) get a shower, and am of course running a little late - shocker, I know. Anyway, I get to school at about 6:33, and there are no cars of parents with children waiting on me (thank goodness!) so I go ahead and let myself into the EMPTY school. Yes, that's right, I'm the only one in the whole entire darn HUGE place. So I get inside, get my sign in sheets ready for my children all in a rush, then sit down to have my breakfast banana and turn on my computer. So there I am, wondering when I'll have my first child come and waiting for my computer to start and I hear a noise. Of course, my senses are SUPER sensitive, since I'm a little on the paranoid side and I whip my head around toward the noise only to see a HUGE BROWN RAT (well, maybe it was just a little brown mouse, but it seemed huge at the time),scurry out of my classroom door! I then hear a thud from the other side of the wall from the classroom next door and am freaking out! I put my feet on top of a nearby prop, take out my trusty cell phone (when my hands are steady enough) and call the only person I know who is awake at this time of morning with their phone - my wonderful husband. When I told him my story all he had to say was "Well, as long as it wasn't at the house..." What a BOY! So, I'm now off to face the rest of the day being ever watchful for a furry brown visitor. I wonder if they'll let me set out some traps...
Posted by Leah at 6:51 AM 2 comments
Sunday, October 14, 2007
C is for...
Cookies! I had a yearning to once again express myself through culinary efforts, and this was the result - the most uniformed drop cookies I've ever made! To some this may not be anything exciting (my husband being one of them) but you other perfectionists out there know where I'm coming from. Or, maybe I'm just a little too excited about my cookies.... Well, for better or worse, check out the pics of my fantastic looking and tasting chocolate chip walnut cookies. Yes, they taste just as good as they look (thank you, Nestle Tollhouse)! Next time, I think I'll try chocolate cake...
Posted by Leah at 4:45 PM 2 comments
Friday, October 12, 2007
The Night in Pictures
Ok, so I've finally had time to sit down and post the pictures from Saturday's festivities. Enjoy! This is the table with pictures of the classmates we've lost. Dana, you had a GREAT idea! I know the parents and close friends of these guys especially appreciated it.
Below are a some shots of the dinner / meet and greet portion of the evening.












And after dinner came the awards. I believe Shannel had the most fun with her prize. She wasted no time in cornering our "Hottest Bachelor" for a private photo shoot! :)


Then came the karaoke portion of the evening. I think the pictures speak for themsleves!






As you can see, we had a GREAT time! For any of you who have reunions coming up, I must tell you to GO!! You just can't imagine how much fun it is to catch up with people who knew you "way back when".
Posted by Leah at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Ten years already?!?
Ok, so last night was the BIG NIGHT - my 10 year high school reunion! I can't believe I'm old enough to have been out of high school that long! It was a month in the making, and turned out much better than you would expect. We had a total of about 30 classmates show up for good food and reminiscing. The food was great, the service excellent, and the company was amazing. We gave out prizes for several different awards, and I don't think Sam will ever get over not winning the Traveled Furthest award! There was also a touching moment when we took time to remember the classmates we've lost (Gary, Tommy Dale, Pat and Jason) and had the parents of some of them present. Dana did a GREAT job putting it together, and Sam and Mark were the perfect people to speak. I do think the hilight of the pre-karaoke was Shanell with her "prize" having her own private photo shoot!
Last, but definantly not least, was the karaoke portion of the night! It's amazing what can transpire when you get together with old friends, some of whom have already been hittin' the sauce, then add more beer and a live mic! Brandon, Steven and Anthony were the hits of the night, followed closely by Shanell, Sheri and her husband Bobby, Alicia and -GASP- Yours truly! I will never be able to hear "You Don't Have to Call Me Darlin" without thinking of these guys ever again. There will be pictures posted in the next couple of days to document this time of listening enjoyment.
Posted by Leah at 11:37 AM 3 comments
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