Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Spring Has Sprung!

I am a K4 teacher and usually LOVE my job, but at this time of the year, energy is high and patience is low. Now that the weather is actually pretty, the kids are just itching to get outside and can't seem to be still and quiet inside. It is very frustrating to try to teach a group of children who are crawling around, pushing each other, talking to each other, etc. I love each and every one of my students, but some days I'd trade the lot of them for a litter of puppies! I am glad that we are able to get outside and not freeze to death, and that the runny noses have just about all cleared up. I actually have some color, which is no small feat. Even though I may complain about the behavior of my kids, I have to admit that getting to sit outside and enjoy the beautiful warm sunshine for an hour each day is a definite plus to my job!

Well.... This week I didn't lose any weight, but I didn't gain any, either. I guess I'm ok w/ that! I've been trying really hard to stay away from the things I know aren't good for me, but sometimes I just want a donut!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Prom Night and Weight Loss

Ok, some of you have been dying to see pictures of the prom I was in charge of at the zoo. Well friends, wait no longer! We had a bit of a time decorating because of inclement weather, but we got it done and it turned out well. Let me know what you think. In case you can't tell, the black and white paper on the walls is zebra print!

We also had animal greetings. The handlers brought Robin, the chinchilla, Smokey, the screech owl, and two snakes who are not pictured because I don't enjoy animals with less than 2 legs. They were pretty - at a distance! One was a milk snake named Cinco and the other was a Burmese Python named Damion. Fitting, huh?

On the weight loss front, somehow with eating 2 chocolate cupcakes and a small individual tub of chocolate ice cream I lost a pound. I thought I'd have gained two for sure! Hope everyone has a great week!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Weekly Update

Yay for me, I lost 2 pounds this week! This was with eating 2 bowls of banana pudding and a reece's cup, so I'm pretty excited! We walked 2 days, so we're getting better! I'm sure part of the reason I still lost weight is because of the work I did on the prom this past Saturday. I'll have pictures soon! All in all it's been a good week, if the weather would just calm down a little.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Another One Bites The Dust!

Yay for me! I've lost another pound! Although it's only a pound a week so far, I'm glad the scale is moving in a downward trend! Although I did lose another pound and am happy about that, I'm not as pleased with my exercise routine. I only walked one day last week, and this week is looking the same! ARRUGH! Just think what I could achieve if I were exercising... I guess I'll have to just force myself to use the boreing eliptical in the basement. I really wish we had a TV down there so my mind would be occupied while exercising. I also have to report two tiny cheats - I had two pieces of Easter candy at mom's again. I just can't resist the sweettart critters and the malted milk balls! However, I am proud I was able to have just one then walk away!

In other news, the prom is this weekend! I'm excited and a littl anxious. We have the decorations ready to go, all the vendors in line (hopefully!), the prom king and queen have been voted on and we've got animals lined up to greet us as we arrive, so now it's just up the execution of all of the plans we've made! I'll be sure to post some pictures after the fact. Have a great week!