Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Swimsuit Weather... It's A Comin'!

Ok, I've been inspired by Amanda! I had already made the decision to get back into shape and and my cute summer pants before I read her post, and now I know it's going to be even easier, with someone supporting me! While teaching, I am pretty good at maintaining my weight, but not losing. When I worked at an office job (for 2 years) I steadily grew. My goal is to get back into my fun summer pants and not be too embarassed to be seen in a swimsuit this summer!

There are two ways I plan to reach my goal:

1. I'm walking at least 3 afternoons (hopefully more like 5) with one of my friends, which is getting me moving and will hopefully help me to shed some pounds.

2. I'm not going to eat sugar! For those of you who know me, you know I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia in my senior year of high school. By sticking to the STRICT diet I was given (not eating anything that has sugar listed as one of the first three ingredients) I lost almost 40 pounds! Well, that was ten years ago, and frankly, not eating sugar SUCKS! However, I can tell a difference in how I feel when I stick to my diet, and the slimming results are VERY desireable!

So, here's the plan:

*I'll weigh in each week, like Amanda, on Wednesdays.
*I'll also list any cheats to my diet, should I have any.
*I'll give a running total of how many days a week I walk, trying for at least three, but shooting for more.
*I also have a weight loss ticker on the top right of my page. It hurts to see the numbers in print, so I'm hoping that will inspire me, too!

Any and all encouragement is much appreciated! I know I can do it, but being encouraged sure does help it along!

Thanks in advance for your help!


Chad said...

Ra Ra Ree Kick Em in the Knee, Ra Ra Rass Kick Em in the Other Knee!!!! Consider yourself inspired. I myself am on a diet as well. I have lost about 12 lbs since the beginning of the year and about 29 lbs since the beginning of last year.

Teale said...

...he does this to spite me while I'm pregnant... :)

Unknown said...

We can do it! You seem to be extremely focused and determined..you are MY inspiration! Good luck!!